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  • Torres, CW & Tsutsui, ND 2016. The effect of social parasitism by Polyergus breviceps on the nestmate recognition system of its host,Formica altipetens.PLoS One.


  • Tillberg, CV,Edmonds, B, Freauff, A, Hanisch, P, Paris, C, Smith, CR, Tsutsui, ND, Wills, BD,Wittman, SE, and AV Suarez. 2014. Foraging ecologyof the tropical giant hunting ant Dinoponera australis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) –Evaluating mechanisms for high abundance. Biotropica 46(2):229-237.


  • Tsutsui, ND. 2013. Dissecting ant recognition systems in the age ofgenomics. Biology Letters 9:20130416.


  • Lewis, VR, Moore, SE, Tabuchi, RL, Sutherland, AM, Choe, D-H & ND Tsutsui. 2013. UC researchers combat the resurgence of the bed bug, Cimex lectularius. California Agriculture 67:172-178.


  • Simola, DF, Wissler, L, Donahue, G, Waterhouse, RM, Helmkampf, M, Roux, J, Nygaard, S, Glastad, KM, Hagen, DE, Viljakainen, L, Reese, JT, Hunt, BG, Graur, D, Elhaik, E, Kriventseva, EV, Wen, J, Parker, BJ, Cash, E, Privman, E, Childers, CP, Mu–oz-Torres, MC, Boomsma, J.J., Bornberg-Bauer, E. Currie, C, Elsik, CG, Suen, G, Goodisman, MAD, Keller, L, Liebig, J, Rawls, A, Reinberg, D, Smith, CD, Smith, CR, Tsutsui, ND, Wurm, Y, Zdobnov, EM, Berger, SL & J Gadau. 2013. Social insect genomes exhibit dramatic evolution in gene composition and regulation while preserving regulatory features linked to sociality Genome Research 23:1235-1247


  • Emery, VJ & ND Tsutsui. 2013. Parallel nestmate recognition systems in a social symbiosis: Chemical phenotypes and nestmate recognition behaviors of Neotropical parabiotic ants. PLoS One 8(2):e56492.


  • Choe, D-H, DB Villafuerte & ND Tsutsui. 2012. Trail pheromones of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). PLoS One 7(9):e45016.


  • Johnson, BR, E van Wilgenburg & ND Tsutsui. 2012. Nestmate recognition in social insects is sometimes more complex than an individual based decision to accept or reject (Commentary). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 6:343-346.


  • Choe, D-H, SR Ramirez & ND Tsutsui. 2012. A silica gel-based method for extracting insect surface hydrocarbons. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38:176-187.


  • Van Wilgenburg, E, A Felden, DH Choe, R Sulc, J Luo, KJ Shea, MA Elgar & ND Tsutsui. 2012. Learning and discrimination of cuticular hydrocarbons in a social insect. Biology Letters 8:17-20.


  • Ramirez, SR, T Eltz, MK Fujiwara, G Gerlach, B Goldman-Huertas, ND Tsutsui, & NE Pierce. 2011. Asynchronous diversification in a specialized plant-pollinator mutualism. Science 333:1742-1746.


  • Smith, CR, AV Suarez, ND Tsutsui, SE Wittman, B Edmonds, A Freauff & CV Tillberg. 2011. Nutritional asymmetries are related to division of labor in a queen-less ant. PLoS One 6:e24011.


  • Johnson, BR & ND Tsutsui. 2011. Taxonomically restricted genes are associated with the evolution of sociality in the honey bee. BMC Genetics 12:164.


  • Abbot, P et al. 2011. Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality. Nature 466:1057-1062. (Brief communications arising).


  • Suen, G, et al. 2011. The genome sequence of the leaf-cutter ant, Atta cephalotes, reveals insights into its obligate symbiotic lifestyle. PLoS Genetics 7:e1002007.


  • Johnson, BR, E van Wilgenburg & ND Tsutsui. 2011. Nestmate recognition in social insects: overcoming physiological constraints with collective decision making. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:935-944.


  • Smith, CR*, CD Smith*, et al. 2011. A draft genome of the red harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus: a model for reproductive division of labor and social complexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 108: 5667-5672. *These authors contributed equally to this study.


  • Smith, CD, et al. 2011. The draft genome of the globally widespread and invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 108: 5667-5672. * ND Tsutsui - corresponding author.


  • Franks, SJ, PD Pratt & ND Tsutsui. 2010. The genetic consequences of a demographic bottleneck in an introduced biological control insect. Conservation Genetics 12:201-211.


  • Ramirez, SR, T Eltz, F Fritzsch, R Pemberton, EG Pringle & ND Tsutsui. 2010. Intraspecific geographic variation of fragrances acquired by orchid bees in native and introduced populations. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36:873-884.


  • van Wilgenburg, E, R Sulc, KJ Shea & ND Tsutsui. 2010. Deciphering the chemical basis of nestmate recognition. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36:751-758.


  • van Wilgenburg, E, CW Torres & ND Tsutsui. 2010. The global expansion of a single ant supercolony. Evolutionary Applications 3:136-143.


  • Marsico, TD, JW Burt, EK Espeland, GW Gilchrist, MA Jamieson, L Lindstrom, S Swope, GK Roderick, M Szucs & ND Tsutsui. 2010. Underutilized resources for studying the evolution of invasive species during their introduction, establishment and lag phases. Evolutionary Applications 3:203-219.


  • Vanderhoeven, S, C Brown, C Tepolt, ND Tsutsui, V Vanparys, S Atkinson, G Mahy & A Monty. 2010. Linking concepts in invasion biology: Network analysis shows what has been studied most and helps identification of knowledge gaps. Evolutionary Applications 3:193-202.


  • Suarez, AV, T McGlynn & ND Tsutsui. 2010. Biogeographic patterns of invasive species. In: Lach, L, C Parr, & K Abbott, eds., Ant Ecology pp. 233-244.


  • Brandt, M*, E van Wilgenburg*, R Sulc, KJ Shea & ND Tsutsui. 2009. The scent of supercolonies: The discovery, synthesis and behavioral verification of ant colony recognition cues. BMC Biology 7:71. *These authors contributed equally to this study.


  • van Wilgenburg, E, J Clemencet & ND Tsutsui. 2009. Experience influences aggressive behaviour in the Argentine ant. Biology Letters


  • Brandt, M, E van Wilgenburg & ND Tsutsui. 2009. Global-scale analyses of chemical ecology and population genetics in the invasive Argentine ant. Molecular Ecology. 18:997-1005.


  • Cooper, ML, KM Daane, EH Nelson, LG Varela, MC Battany, ND Tsutsui & MK Rust. 2008. Liquid baits manage Argentine ants in coastal vineyards. California Agriculture. 62:177-183.


  • Spagna, JC, AI Vakis, SN Patek, X Zhang, C Schmidt, ND Tsutsui & AV Suarez. 2008. Phylogeny, scaling, and the generation of extreme forces in trap-jaw ants. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:2358-2368.


  • Suarez, AV, DA Holway & ND Tsutsui. 2008. Genetics of colonizing species - The invasive Argentine ant. The American Naturalist. 172:S72-S84.


  • Calcaterra, LA, A. Delgado & Tsutsui, ND. 2008. Activity patterns and parasitism rates of fire ant decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae: Pseudacteon spp.) in their native Argentina . Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 101:539-550.


  • Tsutsui, ND, AV Suarez, JC Spagna & JS Johnston. 2008. The evolution of genome size in ants. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8:64 PDF


  • Suarez, AV & ND Tsutsui. 2008. The evolutionary consequences of biological invasions. Molecular Ecology. 17:351-360 PDF


  • Torres, CW, M Brandt & ND Tsutsui. 2007. The role of cuticular hydrocarbons as chemical cues for nestmate recognition in the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). Insectes Sociaux. 54:4364-4373. PDF


  • Calcaterra, LA, RK VanderMeer, JP, Pitts, JP Livore & ND Tsutsui. 2007. Survey of Solenopsis fire ants and their parasitoid flies (Diptera: Phoridae: Pseudacteon) in central Chile and central western Argentina. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100:512-521. PDF


  • Thomas, ML, CM Payne, AV Suarez, ND Tsutsui & DA Holway. 2006. When supercolonies collide: Territorial aggression in an invasive and unicolonial social insect. Molecular Ecology 15:4303-4315. PDF


  • Whitfield, CW, SK Behura, SH Berlocher, AG Clark, JS Johnston, WS Sheppard, DR Smith, AV Suarez, D Weaver & ND Tsutsui. 2006. Thrice out of Africa: Ancient and recent expansions of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Science 314:642-645. PDF


  • The Honeybee Genome Sequencing Consortium. 2006. Insights into social insects from the genome of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Nature 443:931-949. PDF


  • Thomas, ML, ND Tsutsui & DA Holway. 2005. Intraspecific competition influences the symmetry and intensity of aggression in the Argentine ant. Behavioral Ecology 16:472-481. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND. 2004. Scents of self: The expression component of self/non-self recognition systems. Annales Zoologici Fennici 41:713-727. PDF


  • Suarez, AV & ND Tsutsui. 2004. The value of museum collections for research and society. BioScience 54:66-74. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND, SN Kauppinen, AF Oyafuso & RK Grosberg. 2003. The distribution and evolutionary history of Wolbachia infection in native and introduced populations of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile). Molecular Ecology 12:3057-3068. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND & AV Suarez. 2003. The colony structure and population biology of invasive ants. Conservation Biology 17:48-58. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND, AV Suarez & RK Grosberg. 2003. Genetic diversity, asymmetrical aggression, and recognition in a widespread invasive species.   Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 100:1078-1083. PDF


  • Suarez, AV, DA Holway, D Liang, ND Tsutsui & TJ Case. 2002. Spatio-temporal patterns of intraspecific aggression in the invasive Argentine ant. Animal Behaviour 64:697-708. PDF


  • Holway, DA, L Lach, AV Suarez, ND Tsutsui & TJ Case. 2002. The ecological causes and consequences of ant invasions. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33:181-233. PDF


  • Suarez, AV, M Benard, ND Tsutsui, TA Blackledge, K Copren, EM Sarnat, AL Wild, WM Getz, PT Starks, K Will, PJ Palsboll, ME Hauber, C Moritz & AD Richman. 2002. Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops (Correspondence). Nature 417:897. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND, AV Suarez, DA Holway & TJ Case. 2001. Relationships among native and introduced populations of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile and the source of introduced populations. Molecular Ecology 10:2151-2161. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND & TJ Case. 2001. Population genetics and colony structure of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) in its native and introduced ranges. Evolution 55:976-985. PDF


  • Tsutsui, ND, AV Suarez, DA Holway & TJ Case. 2000. Reduced genetic variation and the success of an invasive species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA   97:5948-5953. PDF


  • Suarez, AV, ND Tsutsui, DA Holway & TJ Case. 1999. Behavioral and genetic differentiation between native and introduced populations of the Argentine ant. Biological Invasions 1:43-53. PDF

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