Back Row: Kelsey Scheckel, Maria Tonione, Kate Mathis, Kaustubh Gokhale
Front Row: Amber Sciligo, Rebecca Sandidge, Neil Tsutsui
From Top: Kate Mathis, Maria Tonione, Neil Tsutsui
Current Lab Members

Neil D. Tsutsui, Professor
ntsutsui at berkeley dot edu

Kaustubh Gokhale, Postdoctoral Fellow
kgokhale at berkeley dot edu
Graduate Students

Rebecca Sandidge, Doctoral Candidate
Fullbright Scholar (Indonesia)
rlsandidge at berkeley dot edu

Maria Tonione, Doctoral Candidate
riatoni at berkeley dot edu

Kelsey Scheckel, Doctoral Student
scheckek at berkeley dot edu

Brian Whyte, Doctoral Student
ba.whyte at berkeley dot edu

Former Lab Members

Brian Johnson,
UC President's Post-doctoral Scholar
Currently Assistant Professor at UC-Davis

Ellen van Wilgenburg,
Post-doctoral Researcher
Currently Lecturer at Fordham University
evanwilgenburg at fordham dot edu

Johanna Clemencet,
Post-doctoral Researcher
Currently Assistant Professor at Universite de La Reunion
johanna.clemencet at univ-reunion.fr

Miriam Brandt,
Post-doctoral Researcher
Currently Scientific Coordinator at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Germany
brandt at izw-berlin dot de

Megan McPhee,
Post-doctoral Researcher
Currently Assistant Professor at University of Alaska-Fairbanks
mvmcphee at alaska dot edu
Graduate Students

Kate Mathis, NSF Research Fellow, Ph.D., 2015
Currently: PERT Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Arizona
kamathis at berkeley dot edu

Virginia Emery, NSERC Scholar, Ph.D., 2014
"The chemistry, recognition behaviors, and population genetics of Neotropical parabiotic ants"
Currently: Research Scientist at SpringStar, Inc.
virginiaemery at gmail dot com

Candice Torres, Ph.D., 2012. "Chemical and molecular ecology of the North American slave-making ant Polyergus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and its closely related host (Formica spp.)"
Currently: Biology Instructor at Tarrant County College, Ft. Worth, TX.
candicewt at gmail dot com

Tara Madsen-Steigmeyer, Ph.D.,
"Insect ecology from the scale of plant-level interactions to continent wide phylogeography"