
Essig Brunch
Essig Brunch will be held on Friday, 4/24 @10:00am in 1101 VLSB
The Entomology Student Organization is pleased to announce this week's Essig Brunch Entomology Seminar with a talk by Hillary Sardinas, grad student in the Kremen Lab. This weeks talk is titled, "Hedging our bets: Can hedgerows support wild bee conservation and pollination services?".
Refreshments provided. Bring your own mug.

BAAG Meeting
The Bay Area Ant Group will be hosting a meeting on TBA
Next month's meeting will include a combination of refreshments, snacks, and, of course, lots of discussion on all things ANTS!

IUSSI Meetings
The International Union for the Study of Social Insects hosts a variety of international meetings that debut research correlated to social insects.
To explore upcoming meetings on social insects and related topics, visit the IUSSI webpage

Click this Link to view the full seminar schedule
MVZ Lunch Seminar Series
The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology September 30th @ Grinnell Miller Library in 3101 VLSB from 12:00pm-1:00pm
The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology will be hosting Drs. Peter and Rosemary Grant from the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University this Wednesday for a talk on the "40 Years of Evolution: Darwin's Finches on Daphne Major Island".
Come spend your lunch with inspiring science!

Click this link to access ESA's webpage and register today!
ESA Conference
ESA 2015 will be held on Nov. 15-18 in Minneapolis, MN
The Entomological Society of America will be co-hosting their annual meeting The American Society of Agroeconomy , the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America
This year's meeting is titled, "Synergy in Science: Partnering for Solutions".

ABS Conference
The Animal Behavior Society is hosting its 52nd Annual Conference @University of Alaska in Anchorage, June 10-14, 2015
Research topics include behavioral ecology, neuroscience, zoology and much more.
Click this link to access the event page and register for this years conference!